Our Top Picks of Schools in North Tyneside

As the nation prepares to return to school following the recent period of closures, we’re often asked about which location is best to access some of the top schools in North Tyneside.  As an experienced local agency, selecting a home by your preferred school is something we’re able to help you with.

We are so fortunate to have some of the best schools in the North East here in North Tyneside. We have both a two and three tier school system in our region so there are lots of options depending on what you feel suits your family best.

Moving home can be stressful for families, particularly when changing schools is involved. Factoring in the catchment areas of the top local schools is an important deciding factor when choosing where to live.

So how can you ensure you give your child the best education opportunity possible when moving?

Competition for places at the best primary and secondary schools can be high and a key factor is living within close geographical proximity to your school of choice. Therefore, researching the nearby schools early on is a great way to help narrow down where you want to live. Keep in mind not all school applications will be successful, so it’s important to have some back up choices as well.


We recommend to start looking several months in advance as moving before the beginning of a new term or academic year may help make the move less stressful for your children. Applications for places should be made as per the local council’s guidelines. We also recommend you take your children on trips to the local area and school before you move in order to familiarise them with the change that is about to happen. 

We have narrowed down some of the best schools in North Tyneside, along with some top picks of family homes and businesses we work with nearby. 

Primary Schools

Cullercoats Primary School

Kings Priory School (Ages 4-18)

Marine Park First School

Monkhouse Primary School

Rockcliffe First School

Star of the Sea RC Primary School

St Mary's Roman Catholic Primary School

St Stephens Roman Catholic Primary School 


Middle Schools

Marden Bridge Middle School

Valley Gardens Middle School

Wellfield Middle School


High Schools

Marden High School

Monkseaton High School

St Thomas More RC Academy

Whitley Bay High School

Some of our tenants nearby include:

Room 305 - Whitley Bay

Request a Guest - Whitley Bay

Nord Bottle Shop - Whitley Bay

Vain Hairdressing - Cullercoats


If you’re feeling inspired to move closer to your preferred school, please get in touch and we can help you find your ideal property. Contact us on 0191 257 1253 or [email protected]